Thanks Abhishek for your quick revert - appreciate it. Furthermore,
please correct me if I am wrong in my understanding as below:This PR thing seems a bit tricky to me - not sure if all types of PR will actually be useful to keep us afloat with good jobs. For eg, if someone gets a subclass 189, then its perfect. But alternatively, if one gets a subclass 190 for say NT or SA etc, then I am not sure if its that worthwhile because of the limited type/# of job opportunities beyond NSW or VIC. And to make matters worse, one can't launch a 190 PR for any other state if one is already in Australia and living in Sydney. So despite having positive skill assessment, one gets stuck if its not open in NSW while pursuing the AGSM MBA.
So the above is the PR side of things as per me. And on the other hand, if post study work visa (485) doesn't appear "sexy" to big employers (who generally expect longer stints, and not 1-2yr gigs), then one is doomed!
Grr..this whole residency issue will make some loose their hair