A bit late to be asking, but how did the interview go? Most of the Merage interviews tend to be very, very, pleasant.
They tend to give the GMAT a lot of weight when giving out scholarships, so I'm fairly certain that if you do get an admit, you'll get a significant scholarship.
Thats not very good news for me
That doesn't mean that you are out of the running. However, you your chances of landing a sizeable scholarship would be much better if your score was in the 700s. Your quant score is pretty good though. You might want to consider retaking the GMAT if you get an admit w/o scholarship. I'm jumping the gun though; it's a bit early to be talking about what-ifs.
How did the interview go? I remember mine from a couple of years ago. I didn't know what to make of it. I felt that I was screwing it up, but the interviewer kept responding to each answer with a "ok, that's great. wonderful". I'm assuming she sensed that I was nervous and was trying to get me to relax