Just out of curiosity, what are your post mba goals and why did you end up choosing Owen?
I'll be joining Wells Fargo Securities next summer as an IB summer associate. I chose Owen before this was my career goal however. The small class-size, the placement statistics in a relatively even spread of industries, the percentage of post-MBA careers in the South from previous classes, the prestige of Vanderbilt as a school and the alumni of the MBA program and the location in the heart of Nashville...in addition to a lot of other things. In the end, I went with my gut after coming to an-campus event and meeting all the people here. Hard to quantify but you'll understand once you start interacting with people in the program.
How common is to remain in Nashville post mba? what are some of the big recruiters for Nashville?
Honestly not sure on this one, you'd have to check out the Employment Statistics on the business.vanderbilt website. I do know, though, that Nashville is one of the top destinations of summer interns and full-time post MBA careers just based on what I'd researched while applying.
Have you seen the impact of the new corporate partners that Owen announced this year on recruiting opportunities?
The only one I've specifically seen was with Deloitte. They held an "Early Connections" event very early in Mod 1. The Corporate Partners have the additional benefit of being able to come to campus for events earlier than those who are not considered a corporate partner. Because we're still in Mod 1, very few (I'd guess less than 10) first-years currently have internship offers and the vast majority are still in the interview process so it's hard to say what impact the partnership plays on actual offers.
Any idea how much impact working on campus has on the mba experience/recruiting/academics? What are your thoughts on part time jobs available vs students interested in taking these jobs.
As far as money, a big impact. What I mean is that my classmates who have on-campus jobs tend to have a little extra beer money than the rest of us when the week is over. They do have a position at Owen that's open to first-years where you serve as a corporate ambassador and basically facilitate the recruiting events and square away the recruiters, making sure they have everything they need, for their event. This, I do know, gives people in this position additional one-on-one face time when recruiters come on campus. There are numerous other positions available for employment within Owen in different departments and across Vanderbilt as a whole. The departments at Owen all have flexible scheduling from what I know to ensure that the job doesn't interfere with any academic or career-focused event. There seems to be enough open positions to accommodate everyone seeking employment.
What are your thoughts on the caliber of your classmates?
Everyone has something to offer. Between class discussions, group work, meetings, etc. I constantly feel like everyone around me is smarter than I am. Everyone I've met is extremely accomplished, driven and will help anyone around them at the drop of a hat. "Collaborative" is an understatement. I can, and have, just plopped down in front of a fellow student and asked for help on an assignment and they've gone out of their way to assist me. There aren't any egos here that prevent everyone from working together. That's just not something this program encourages. The only competition I've seen is friendly and it never leads to anyone getting left behind.
I hope I've provided you a little more insight based on my experience and (limited) time at Owen so far. Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll do my best to answer them. If I don't know the answer, I'll try to point you in the right direction.