I am also wondering about this, although in a different situation. How important is the GMAT (for employment) for the EMBA graduate? Perhaps it's insignifant for employment since EMBA has a lot of work experience?
I also did a search on the keyword gmat in (just like what rhyme did in 2006) and got only 1 job that's not related to teaching. So, based on that it seems that nowadays a high gmat is only useful for teaching employment unlike in 2006? I was expecting to get a lot of hits using the gmat keyword in, since I only got 9 hits and 8 of them are teaching work, I assume the gmat is not that important for employment. Any other opinion please?
I would assume that you're right about the EMBA. I'm guessing that most companies that hire EMBA's are not going to look at your GMAT score. In fact most companies that hire full time MBA's don't look at GMAT scores, the major exceptions being blue chip consulting firms and investment banks. However your Monster search is irrelevant. Number one most of these companies do not post MBA jobs on Monster. They go to a select group of schools and recruit on campus. Number two even if they were to post their jobs on Monster, they would not advertise that fact in the job posting...that would open them up to criticism. However if you go to any one of their sites and attempt to fill out their long online application forms, you will see the GMAT questions, and at some companies it is a mandatory field.
Finally, I hate to beat a dead horse, but I had a heart to heart with a current recruiter from a top tier consulting firm, and he told me in no uncertain terms, that when ranking MBA applications for interview invites GMAT is an extremely important factor.