Hispanic dual citizen Mexico USA
Fluent Spanish and English
I have a pretty descent illegal immigration to citizenship story
26 years old
Gmat 720 48Q 41V 8IR 6AWA
GPA 3.34 from Texas State University (average college) bachelors in accounting
30 months of experience, will have 42 by the time I enroll
Work for $60bln commercial bank. In the oil field services lending group. Underwrote over 600million of new and existing credit facilities. Helped companies through IPOs, acquisitions, bankruptcies, etc.
Did lead an analyst only set of meetings to help the bank determine why analysts were leaving for other banks (had approval from executive management to do this). Many of the ideas we came up with were implemented for long lasting value add.
Extracurricular currently includes the HEART program where I volunteer for an organization that helps dissablied adults work for good wages. They run concession stands at sporting events (Houston. Rockets, shell open) and since they are not allowed to handle the money the organization has volunteers run the registers and help the workers(people with dissabities).
Goal is to work for a top strategic consulting firm for 5/10 years and then transfer to industry in a management position.
I am targeting HBS Columbia Wharton and Kellogg
Please let me know if I would have a chance.
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