Chiming in style
Age/Gender: 27/Male
GMAT Score/GPA : Last year - 740 This Year - 760
Work Experience: [industry/years] Energy - 2 years, Education - 5 years
Location: India
Schools applied to: GSB, Yale, Kellogg, Tuck, Fuqua, Haas, Johnson, INSEAD
Any consulting services used: [Yes/NO, Who?] Yes (Indian consultant - MBA Crystal Ball)
#Interviews: 1 (Haas)
#WL: Johnson
Which ding hurt the most and why? Haas - Interview was great and I thought I had a real shot
Why the lack of success? GMAT score GMAT score GMAT score and added with a brutally competitive year + lack of personal content in essays
What next? Class of 2020 - Here I come.
Hi Souvik,
Although I know how competitive the pool of candidate you come from, I do not believe it was GMAT score.
I highly suggest it is the essays. I still remember last year Chinese applicant in the forum who has 770 and rejected from every school. He admitted that the essays were not good and had real issues. He was rejected even from some Top 30 such as Kelley (where I read his post). Combined all competitiveness with Haas very picky style, It would be difficult.
Actually, after reading you GMAT experience and your activity in GMAT club, I believe you are very determinant and patient person who know his ability very good. I wish your dreams come true soon.
Good luck