Hailing from an aristocratic family of Lords, Sir Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, was unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945, struggling to meet both ends meet depending upon the royalties from his writings
wow, that's a tough one..took some time to crack it...
let's understand the meaning:
Sir Winston Churchill - was from an aristocratic family of Lords
Sir W. C. - sealed the fate of Adolf Hitler in the WWII
Sir W. C. was unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections in 1945
Although he was from a "rich" family, he struggled to meet both ends meet. He depended mostly upon the royalties from his writings.
A. Hailing from an aristocratic family of Lords, Sir Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, was unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945, struggling to meet both ends meet depending upon the royalties from his writings.
if we remove the modifiers, we get - W.C. was unseated, and as a result - struggled..
1. the meaning is incorrect
2. the usage of ing modifier is not really desirable...as it has an awkward meaning..
B. Hailing from an aristocratic family of Lords, Sir Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, was unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945, struggled to meet both ends meet, dependent upon the royalties from his writings.
same meaning error as in A.
struggled - seems to be a noun modifier rather than a verb
if it were a verb - then a conjunction should have been used.
regardless of the lack of conjunction - the meaning is distorted.
dependent - no idea what it refers to.
C. Although hailing from an aristocratic and rich family of Lords, Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, struggled to meet both ends meet depending upon the royalties from his writings, unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945.
depending - looks like an ING modifier..but it needs to be placed near a noun. so it is incorrect.
unseated - looks like an ed noun modifier - again - not correct
the meaning though is clear here.
D. Although he hailed from an aristocratic family of Lords, Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, and who was unseated from Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945, struggled to meet both ends meet and mostly depended upon the royalties from his writings.
the meaning is clear.
the noun modifier from A is now a dependent clause introduced by although, preceded by the main subject. then we have 2 long noun modifiers correctly joined together by "and who", so the 2 modifiers are parallel to each other.
the main subject has 2 verbs - struggled and depended - ok
no pronoun errors, no SV errors, no tense errors, no modifiers errors, no comparison errors, no meaning errors, no idiom errors - so this one looks without any flaws.
E. Hailing from an aristocratic and rich family of Lords, Winston Churchill, the man who sealed the fate of the indomitable Adolf Hitler in the Second World War in 1944, was unseated form Prime Ministership in the elections to the nation in 1945, and struggled to meet both ends meet and had to depend upon the royalties from his writings
comma before and is not needed, as it introduces a new clause without a subject.
FORM i believe a spelling error here.
D for me is the best.