According to Alistair Maclean’s novel, the invincible mountainous terrain of Navarone in the sea of Aegean was of utmost military importance to the German through out the Second World war , because they realised that,
if they did not exploit its strategic location, their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British was always in peril.(A) if they did not exploit its strategic location, their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British was always in peril
(B) if they did not exploit its strategic location, their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British could be liable to be in peril
(C) If they did not exploit its strategic location, their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British would be always in peril
(D) if the were not to exploit its strategic location, their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British was always in peril
(E) their survival against the indomitable naval might of the British was always in peril, should they fail to exploit its strategic location