Almost 3 years after the Federal Reserve introduced monetary measures to artificially support the financial markets and institutions for the greater good of the economy by providing large capital injections to large financial institutions, four investment banks have been investigated by securities regulators, finding that all four consistently misused funds, many banks deteriorated, and that more than half of the banks did not use the funds for the greater economy, and instead used the money to fuel their risky financial bets.
(A) four investment banks have been investigated by securities regulators, finding that all four consistently misused funds, many banks deteriorated, and that more than half the banks did not use
(B) an investigation by securities regulators of four investment banks have found all four consistently misusing funds, that many banks deteriorated, with more than half the banks not using
(C) an investigation of four investment banks by securities regulators has found that all four consistently misused funds, that many banks deteriorated, and that more than half the banks did not use
(D) four investment banks were investigated by securities regulators who found all four misusing funds, with many banks deteriorating, and more than half the banks did not use
(E) an investigation by securities regulators has found that, of four investment banks, all four consistently misused funds, that many banks deteriorated, with more than half the banks not using
Can you demystify the structure of this sentence. I am not able to comprehend the structure of this sentence - doesn't look like two independent clauses are joined !
I'm happy to help.
That sentence has only one independent clause.
Let's just look at version
(C), the OA:
Almost 3 years after the Federal Reserve introduced monetary measures to artificially support the financial markets and institutions for the greater good of the economy by providing large capital injections to large financial institutions, an investigation of four investment banks by securities regulators has found that all four consistently misused funds, that many banks deteriorated, and that more than half the banks did not use the funds for the greater economy, and instead used the money to fuel their risky financial bets.Once again, the split infinitive ("
to artificially support") is an embarrassing gaffe for the authors of the question. We'll leave that aside. Here is how this sentence is organized
The word "
after" is an
subordinate conjunction that opens a dependent clause. What's tricky is that this subordinate conjunction is modified by an adverb phrase "
almost three years," but this is perfectly acceptable. Here's the whole dependent clause:
Almost 3 years after the Federal Reserve introduced monetary measures to artificially support the financial markets and institutions for the greater good of the economy by providing large capital injections to large financial institutions . . . Notice that this contains an infinitive of purpose ("
to ... support") that contains a long string of prepositional phrases.
For more on infinitives of purpose, see: ... orrection/For more on infinitive phrases, see: ... -the-gmat/So all that, everything up to the first comma, is dependent clause. That by itself would not be a complete sentence.
After the comma, the main clause of the sentence begins.
an investigation" =
MAIN SUBJECT of sentence
has found" =
MAIN VERB of sentence
What's particularly interesting is that the direct object of the verb is a set of three
substantive clauses in parallel. Substantive clauses, also known as noun clauses, are clauses that take the place of a noun. For more on these, see: ... -the-gmat/Each one is a "
that" clause that contains its own subject and verb:
that all four consistently misused funds2)
that many banks deteriorated"
that more than half the banks did not use the funds for the greater economy, and instead used the money to fuel their risky financial betsThe last "
that" clause features two verbs in parallel: "
did not use . . . and instead used." This construction is 100% grammatically correct, but not necessarily the most elegant. I think a considerably more GMAT-like structure would be a "
not . . but" parallelism:
that more than half the banks used the funds not for the greater economy, but for their risky financial bets.
That would be more concise, direct, and GMAT-like.
This question is in many ways far from the high standards of the GMAT. Here's a more GMAT-like question: all this make sense?