gmatbusters niks18 Abhishek009 amanvermagmat Quote:
On the scale drawing of a certain house plan, if 1 centimeter represents x meters, what is the value of x?
(1) A rectangular room that has a floor area of 12 square meters is represented by a region of area 48 square centimeters.
(2) The 15-meter length of the house is represented by a segment 30 centimeters long.
Can anyone help me to simplify the statements and help me know if in approach used by
joondez , when we take two proportions we must have
same units on LHS and RHS. In this approach,
we have units of area on LHS and length on RHS. Also how user has assumed 48\(cm^2\) as area of
adkikaniyou are partly correct here. the calculation for statement 1 as per
joondez approach is incorrect, hence you will get two different values of \(x\) from statement 1 & 2 and they are 1/4 & 1/2 respectively which is not possible in GMAT. GMAT DS statements gives the same value for any particular variable.
Statement 1 should be solved as \(\frac{48}{12}=\frac{1}{x^2}\)
Do note that a Ratio per-say does not have any unit., you can have a scenario where ratio of area equals ratio of length but that is not the case here.
If you read the stem carefully you will realize that x is simply a multiple that when multiplied by length on map results in actual length,
so in effect we have Actual length/breadth \(= x*\)Length/breadth on Map
Statement 1 mentions that the floor whose actual area is \(12m^2\) is represented by area of \(48cm^2\) on map which implies that area of floor as per map is 48.
Hence Actual area\(=x^2*\)Area on Map