Hello Community,
in February I started learning for the Gmat the first time. I started off with quite balanced score of 550. After 3 to 4 weeks of highly intensive studying (12h/d) I took the actual Gmat (Scored 670, Q48, V34) and scored slightly worse than on the practice tests right before. The Gmatprep mock tests the days before were in the 690-700 range.
As I had absolutely no time due to work to concentrate on the gmat anymore I had to take a break from learning until the beginning of this month. I now managed to take 2 1/2 months off from my job in which I can now focus 100% on my next and hopefully last take of the Gmat on which I aim to achieve 740 points.
My question now is, if you have any tipps concerning the study approach after a three months break which can lead me to my desired score. In the last two weeks I have started to brush up all the basics that I've already learned back then and I am pretty confident with them again.
Concerning my own estimation of where I am right now / where I was 4 months ago:
- Problem areas; Combinations, Geometry, Data Suf. (I'm too fast in just taking E, probably a focus issue...)
- I usually struggle with very hard questions, the easy ones are in most cases all right
SC: I often feel lost, especially when I am facing a lot of words that I do not even know or if I am asked to handle large sentences. In my opinion this is my weakest point in the whole gmat.
RC: Sometimes I have problems keeping the focus on the specific exercises, especially when it comes to long passages.
CR: This is probably my strongest area, I don't know why, but I never had to learn for these and always missed at maximum one question in the mock tests.
I have the following resources already available for my preparation:
- Economist GMAT Tutor (I really liked that one as it kind of forces you into the balance of learning concepts and exercices. I just asked them to reset my account, so that I am able to brush up all the concepts using the tool and subsequently solve the exercises as well. Though, I had the feeling, that the SC questions were much easier than the actual ones.)
Manhattan GMAT Books / Mock tests
OG 2017
In general I would say my time management is quite good (never finished too early / missed questions because of time issues).
I would be really thankful if you guys could give me some advice on how to proceed / which steps to take now.