Thought I should let you guys know that I am finally a member of the 700 club. And boy, am I glad it's over!!!!
Although I was hoping to pull a 720-750 score, the verbal section let me down yet again. My previous score was 680 (q 48, v 35), in October. As you can see my verbal score stayed the same whereas I increased my quant score. Ironically, I did not do a single quant practice question during my prep between my 2 attempts and concentrated most of my prep on honing up my verbal skills. I could see my verbal score improve drastically during my practice sessions.
I guess the fact that verbal comes towards the fag end of the test has to do with my performance, as I tend to lose concentration due to fatigue and boredom. That's exactly what happened today. I was being extra careful during the first 15 questions or so....I got stuck on a CR at question number 14 and started losing time. I started to lose concentration and had to rush throught the rest of the section. I ended up answering the last 16 q's in about 20 mins.
As far as quant is's never been a problem for me...there were a couple of tricky probability questions and some q's on SD, median, mode, range kind of concepts. advice to any future test taker would be to keep your cool and try not losing concentration.