Competition Mode Question
A small car offers less protection in an accident than a large car does, but since smaller car is more maneuberable, it is better to drive a small car because then acidents will be less likely.
Which one of the following arguments employs reasoning most similar to the employed by the argument above?
(A) An artist's best work is generally that done in the time before the artist becomes very well known. When artists grow famous and are diverted from artistic creation by demands for public appearances, their artistic work suffers. So artists' achieving great fame can diminsh their artistic reputations.
(B) It is best to insist that a child spend at least some time every day reading indoors. Even though it may cause the child some unhappiness to have to stay indoors when others are outside playing, the child can benefit from the time by learning to enjoy books and becoming prepared for lifelong learning.
(C) For this work, vehicles built of lightweight materials are more practical than vehicles built of heavy materials. This is so because while lighter vehicles do not last as long as heavier vehicles, they are cheaper to replace.
(D) Although it is important to limit the amount of sugar and fat in one's diet, it would be a mistake to try to follow a diet totally lacking in sugar and fat. It is better to consume sugar and fat in moderation, for the cravings that lead to uncontrolled binges will be prevented.
(E) A person who exercises vigorously every day has less body fat than an average person to draw upon is in the event of a wasting illness. But one should still endeavor to exercise vigorously every day, because doing so significantly decreases the chances of contracting a wasting illness.