Competition Mode Question
Although the batting coach
conceded the new lineup, in which the players’ strengths were better utilized, he said that in the future they must be agreed upon by all managers before being put into practice.
A. conceded the new lineup, in which the players’ strengths were better utilized, he said that in the future they must be agreed upon by all managers before being put into practice
B. conceded the new lineup, in which the players’ strengths were better utilized, he said that future lineups would require the consent of all managers before putting them into practice
C. agreed to the new lineup, in which the players’ strengths were better utilized, he said that future lineups must be agreed upon by all managers before being put into practice
D. agreed to the new lineup, in which the strengths of the players were better utilized, he said that in the future, they must be agreed upon before having been put into practice
E. agreed on the new lineup’s utilization of players’ strengths, he said that in the future the lineups must be agreed upon by all managers before they have been put into use