Hi Basim2016,
I’m glad you reached out, and I’m happy to help. So, I realize that you are hoping to craft a master plan based on your ESR; however, you need to make sure that you avoid falling into the trap of focusing on micro-details based on your ESR, and thus misdiagnosing your weaknesses. Since your ESR is based on only 31 quant questions and 36 verbal questions (a very small sample size), it may not give you a complete picture of what to focus on going forward. So, while I agree that it would not hurt for you to improve in Counting/Sets/Series or Rates/Ratios/Percents, you also should make sure that you cast a ”wide net” by continuing to seek out other potential hidden weak areas and ensuring that you strengthen those areas as well.
Certainly, if you’d like more specific advice on how to improve your quant skills, feel free to reach out. You also may find it helpful to read this article about
How to Increase Your GMAT Quant Score.