Has anyone tried GMAT Reading Comprehension Grail by Aristotle Prep?
If yes,I have confusion between the above one and
Official guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2nd Edition.
I am not confident with RC.Need pratice material with explanations.
Suggestions plz!
Hi Abhilash,
Official Guides should not be compared with other books. They are from the creators of the test and are must have resource for the GMAT. You can compare Aristole RC with the RC guides of other companies but you should not do such comparison with Official guides.
As for your request for the specific review of Aristotle RC grail, I would say that this book contains everything you need for the GMAT RC section. If you go thru the theory part well and in dedicated manner then you will find good improvement in the RC section. (Note :- My Review is based on my own experience)