Dear Experts,
I am applying to MBA School in US this year, my plan is round 2.
My profile:
Female: 28 age, Major: Civil Engineer
I come from Viet Nam, my GPA: 7.63/10, top 50th in my school in Viet Nam
4 years experience in Construction Engineer (3year in foreign construction company, 1 year in local company), my position is currently Project coordinator.
Extra curriculum: a member of Cultural community which focus on developing traditional culture in Viet Nam.
My Gmat: 550, but I will retake soon
Passed CFA level 1.
My short term goal is strategic consulting in real estate in Viet Nam
Please give me advice about my situation and which school is suitable to me. I have some school in my mind, including: North Carolina, Haas, W&M but I am embarrassed very much about my Gmat Score. I am doing something to increase my score as soon as possible (hopefully good result will be before round 2 deadline)
May I do something to improve my case now.
I am looking to hearing from you
Thank you so much
Best regards,
Jackie Nguyen
Good to hear from you!
Let me say first of all, that as a Vietnamese student, you are in good shape because there aren't that many Vietnamese students applying to MBAs.
But the first step before you do anything, before you even think about what schools and how you stand is to work that GMAT.
We are very close to R2 and your GMAT is quite low, so my advice would be for you to study with the target of applying not this year, but next, and work on your GMAT over the next 5-6 months.