At the average download speed of 12,000,000 bits per second, 75,000,000 bytes of data can be downloaded in 50 seconds. With a certain dial-up connection, the same task would take 3 hours. Which of the following is closest to the average download speed, in bits per second, of this dial-up connection?
A. 200
B. 1,000
C. 7,000
D. 56,000
E. 240,000
With the high-speed connection the task needs 50 seconds;
With the dial-up connection the same task needs 3 hours = 3*3,600 seconds.
Thus, dial-up connection is 3*3,600/50=216 times slower.
Since the speed of the the high-speed connection is 12,000,000 bits per second, then the speed of the dial-up connection is 12,000,000/216=~56,000 bits per second.
Answer: D.
Hope it's clear.
I have followed a different approach, could you explain me where I was wrong?
So we have to download 75,000,000
bits of data and with the dial-up connection is possible to do so in three hours.
Hence we have a speed of 75,000,000/3= 25,000,000 bites/hour.
Now dividing the 25,000,000 by 3600 (60 minutes * 60 seconds) the result is close to 7,000 bites/second.
Hence according to my calculations the answer should be C.
per second. You are calculating in
of data can be downloaded in ...").
1 byte = 8 bits --> ~7,000 bytes per second = 7,000*8 = 56,000 bits per second.