Hi vanam5292,
I’m sorry to hear how things went with your GMAT. I’m happy to provide some advice but would first like to learn more about your situation with the GMAT.
-- for how long have you been studying?
I started in august 2018 nd studied till jan 2019
then spet 2019 to feb 2020
-- what are the dates and score breakdowns of your GMATs?
-- what are the dates and score breakdowns of your official practice GMATs?
-- what resources have you been using?
-- what is your score goal?
-- when are your application deadlines?
Once I learn more about you, I can provide some detailed advice. In the meantime, you may find it helpful to read the following articles:
The Surprising Factor that is the Key to Hitting Your GMAT Score Goal: GritThe Phases of Preparing for the GMATHi
-for how long have you been studying?
I started in august 2018 nd studied till jan 2019
then spet 2019 to feb 2020
-- what are the dates and score breakdowns of your official practice GMATs?
- what are the dates and score breakdowns of your GMATs?
GMAT 1 - 18th september 2018 : 570( v 29 , q39)
GMAT 2 - 20 december 2018 : 580( v 28 , q42)
GMAT 3 - 18January 2019 : 590( v 34 , q38)
GMAT 4 - 5 December 2019 : 640( v 33 , q46)
GMAT 4 - 5 December 2019 : 640( v 38 , q39)
-- what resources have you been using?
Materials used over past 2 years preparation (though scattered preparation)
1)Jamboree Red and Blue books completely solved.
OG solved and also whole material of GMAT PREP solved.
3)Exhausted all official prep tests .
had no test left this time.
4) Done with
egmat quant and verbal course.
These 2 months i only practised
egmat scholranium for both verbal and quant.
Daily i gave tests 31 qsn in quant and 36 verbal.
Scored 82-99 percentile in Verbal Scholaranium.
Scored 50 - 68 percentile in Quant Scholaranium.
Though i find quant part of
egmat bit tougher than original gmat, still i never socreed this bad as i did in original gmat.
-- what is your score goal?
-- when are your application deadlines?
August 2020(applying now for 2021 session but ll target round 1 only)
I gave 5th attempt of Gmat on 24th February and could score only 640( V 38, Q39).
I had given 4th attempt on 5th dec 2019 and scored 640 (V 33, Q46).
In third attempt , i had 590 with V 34, Q38.
I am attaching all three ESRs.
Please review them and guide me. i plan to give GMAT again after few months ( need a break now from this frustration).
Plz help me with sply these observations:
Though my cr has improved this time , but sc in 3rd attempt was 91 percentile ,its 77 percentile now.Does it mean performing bad on SC(which is consider my strength).
Also how to improve from V38 to V42( because this time while attempting exam ,barring 2 SC and one cr question i could find whole paper very doable and could finish 55 seconds before the assigned time. is this overconfidence)?
Now coming to my nightmare, QUANT.
I donot know where i go wrong in quant and i had practiced so much.THe satrting few questions i could not solve at all , they were plain questions but i could not solve i know.
Given any high level question , i do solve them in practice test and at home but donot know why i could not solve such simple questions in exam.
And drop from Q46 to Q39 is unpardonable.
I have to improve to Q 50 now and i know i can do it. I can and have solved sufficient number of problems with confidence.
I am attaching last 3 esrs ,plz review and guide me
Thank you so much
File comment: Attempt 5th feb 2020
ESR_ATTEMPT5.pdf [488.65 KiB]
Downloaded 68 times
File comment: Attempt 4 dec 2019
ESR_ATTEMPT4.pdf [482.48 KiB]
Downloaded 46 times
File comment: Attempt 3 Jan 2019
ESR_ATTEMPT3.pdf [497.36 KiB]
Downloaded 52 times