Are you looking to be a math or verbal tutor? I kind of feel as though it's difficult to find someone who is good at both, and also a great teacher. When I worked at Kaplan the kind of people that we're good at both were just naturally brilliant and honestly not all that terrific at putting themselves in the shoes of their students. I had the same experience when recruiting for the MBA exchange for various tutoring positions. I've been tutoring verbal remotely for 16 years and charge $70 per hour, which is pretty average I would say. If you just hop on Craigslist I'd say that the market doesn't bear more than $50 an hour on that, however if you go to work for
Stratus prep or one of those outfits they pay the tutors $70 for hour so I'm sure they are charging three times that. I'm interested in partnering with a good math person so if you'd like to schedule a chat to talk on Skype sometime I'd be open to that.
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