Hi Finance0402,
You've made some fantastic improvements so far (considering some of your early scores were in the low 400s). Assuming that your score goal is still 650+, you're in the perfect position right now to hit your goal in 2 weeks. At higher and higher scoring levels, the GMAT becomes really 'sensitive' to little mistakes though, so you have to keep those mistakes to a minimum. After reviewing every CAT, you really have to 'nitpick' your performance to define WHY you really got questions wrong. How many did you get wrong because of a silly/little mistake and how many did you get wrong because the question was just too hard? With two weeks to go, one of your goals should be to hone your 'precision' (re: eliminate the little mistakes from your work). The hard questions simply don't matter if you're missing out on 'gettable' questions. If you're missing lots of SCs right now then there's a big potential point gain in that category, so you would likely find it beneficial to revisit the Stage 1 SC Modules in the EMPOWERgmat Course.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,