In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria's roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities. The very largest trucks-those with three trailers-had less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks. Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Partorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
B. No matter what changes Partoria makes in the regulation of trucking, it will have to keep some smaller roads off-limits to all large trucks.
C. Very few fatal collisions involving trucks in Partoria are collisions between two trucks.
D. In Partoria, the safety record of the trucking industry as a whole has improved slightly over the past ten years.
E. In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks.hi experts,
although same prompt existed on GC , whose OA is that
so far only the best, most experienced drivers for Patorian trucking companies have been driving triple trailer trucks, (more details can be found in
in-the-nation-of-partoria-large-trucks-currently-account-93355-20.html), I posted a new one, because the OA is A in this topic which confused me a lot.
IMO, lightly section of highway indicates little percentage of highway.
A states that triple-trailer trucks are driven on little percentage of highway.
I cross off it because lightly section does not mean few accidences, although prompt states that
The very largest trucks-those with three trailers-had less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks
suppose that ,
1/ the accident rate of single- and double - trailer trucks is 60% of total highway deaths,
2/ there are 100 highway deaths
3/ Partorian trucking companies have used 21 the triple trailer trucks on lightly traveled section of major highway only.
from above 1/ and 2/, we can infer that there are 60 accidences of highway deaths because of single-and double-trailer trucks.
according prompt , we can infer that there are less than 20 accidence of highway deaths because
less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks, in order to easy analyze, I suppose there are 18 accidence of highway deaths.
whereas triple-trailer trucks is lightly traveled section of major highway , you see, 18/21 = 86%, I thinks it is high percentage of accidence to total triple-trailer trucks, i will think that triple trailer trucks are dangerous, so i think it is hard to weaken the conclusion as A says. therefore, I cross off A.
compared with A and E, i eventually picked up E.
genuinely want you clarify my faults.
thanks in advance
have a nice day
How are you, my friend?
First of all, you used the wrong word in the title and throughout this post. You used "
accidence" when you meant "
accident = a mistake; especially the mistaken collision of two motor vehicles (a very common English word)
accidents = plural of "
accidence = the part of language dealing with the inflection of words (99.9% of the native speaking population does NOT know this word!)
I think you misread or misunderstood (A). The relevant phrase is "
lightly traveled." This is a very common adjective describing a stretch of road that has only "
light traffic," that is to say, an extremely small number of individual vehicles. We don't know how much of the highway is lightly traveled: it may be a small percentage or a large percentage, we don't know. What we know is that very few cars travel on these "lightly traveled" parts.
Thus, (A) says that the "
triple-trailer trucks" have been used only on roads with hardly any other vehicles. Most accidents happen because of the interaction of two or more vehicles, so if there are very few vehicles with which the triple-trailer trucks can interact, these trucks will get in fewer accidents.
My friend, you saw a phrase that you didn't understand, and rather than taking the time to find out what that phrase meant, you decided what you thought it meant and constructed a whole argument based on your interpretation. Do you see that this might not be the best expenditure of your energies when you are trying to understand a question that you got wrong? When you are doing the question, then of course you should be in test mode and simply trust your instincts for something you don't know, but when you are in review mode after you got the question wrong, you have to take advantage of all sources to help you.
Does all this make sense?
Have a wonderful day!