Thank you Paul and Praetorian...
Yes even some of my other friends have advised me to go for LSAT books...and I wud be doing so...but I dont think I have the time to go thru 2-3 LSAT books.If you could recommend me one particular LSAT book...that would be great.
As for probability ...yes ur right I'm not a frequent attempter of the P& C
quetions coz Im not sure of my answer.But I guess I will be able to solve
exam level P & C problems...and not some of the challenging ones posted on this forum.
Would like to take your word and get over the disappointment of PP1.
I would be taking my second PP a day or two before the exam.I took this exam coz I wanted a PP score which would not be skewed.
It was not was the lack of preparation which caused the debacle,sply on the verbal part.RC seems to be my bane...and yes Im working on it.
I must have analsyed PP1 atleast 7 times and everytime I see the quant
questions I missed ..I kick myself...I would have done those questions on
any given day but not at that moment.I felt very comfortable giving the
exam...though I had to hurry a bit on the verbal section...I don't consider
timing to be a problem.I thought I was doing well on the verbal part when at the end of the exam I got 2 boldfaced question one of which I got wrong.
Would like to outline my strategy:
1) Finish stuyding
OG-Round 1 till 29 th Feb ( Im sure you both wud agree
with me on this)
2)Go over the questions I got wrong during round them again and
make myself dead sure that I have grasped the concept- 8/9 th March.
3)Solve Vstudy/LSAT books/GMAT Plus problems... till 20 th March...
4)Start giving my last round of practice exams...2 PR,2 Kaplan,2 Arco...and paper tests.
5) I would go for second PP on 27 th March...2 days before the real test.
( All this while I would be giving atleast one practice test on weekends.)
I know some of the guys on this forum...wud be thinking why the hell am I
posting all this crap...but I just wanted let out some!
Thanks again guys...your words mean a lot to me.
Let me know your views.