Good day everybody!
I registered on this forum a number of years ago, back then I prepared a bit for GMAT but I ended up not need it. I didn't take it seriosly and didn't prepare considerably.
At this time, however, I prepared for around 6 months and was reasonbly confident in my abilities to score 700 although Verbal was always a problem for me.
I took a test today and got dissapointing 650 score (Q 47, V 33, IR 7).
My goal is 700, and for a number of reasons I want to get that score and would really treat it like personal failure unless I able to achieve it in next attempt which is in one month.
I did some free practice tests (the economist, gmat pill, veritas,
mgmat) and ofcourse GMATPrep.
My quantative score was stable and similiar to the one I got in actual exam (47) but verbal was fluctuating a lot around 30-41.
Worth mentioning that everytime I review the CAT I feel like I have missed an easy quesion and that I definetly could and should have solved it correctly but probably it is self-dillusion and probably a lot of people feel the same way...
Also probably important to note that all CATs were streched in time with at least 1-2 weeks between each CAT and I felt like that I could do better in "life".
But at the same time in some CATs (especially GPrep and
MGMAT) there were questions I have seen before.
Bottom line is that I am not sure how free CATs I used so far reflect my level.
In terms of materials - I solved
OG in and out several times and a lot of other material including a lot of quesions and topics from this forum. I also used PowerScore, SC correction grail and some other materials.
To be honest I don't think I can learn much new in terms of strategies for solving etc. Especially given that probably my weak part is Reading Compehension where after learning a number of good approaches you can't do much.
On the one hand, I feel that it is probably naive to think that I will do considerably better with doing and reviewing some more CATS but, on the other hand, I do feel that the difference btw 650 and 700 is not that big. From what I see from CATs difference between 650 and 700 could be just extra 2-3 correct quesions! Maybe practice makes perfects...and builds better stamina and time management. But again this maybe self-delusion.
So.. I don't know... but as I said this exam means quite a lot for me so I have registered for another attempt in one month and planning to purchase 6 either Veritas or
I don't have much time to study during the week so probably my strategy would to do CAT each weekend and thoroughly review it as well as my previous notes and mistakes.
So I have basically two questions:
1. Do you think it all sounds reasonable?
2. Which CATs you would suggest to buy? I heard that
MGMAT tend to more difficult in quant part but I don't care about quant. BUT problem with
MGMAT free test was that I saw a lot of verbal questions previously. Somewhere at this forum (don't remember where exactly) I saw a nice document with compillation of tough verbal questions called something like "CR topic-wise 700-800 level" - I used it all in and out and later saw a lot of questions from there in
So criteria for me would probably be the CATs questions of which are less represented somewhere.
Thank you for reading all this and thank you in advance for help.