Perhaps you guys can help settle an argument: Does GMAT CAT alter difficulty based on the reigon/country/area where the test is taken?
I would argue that no, but I have no evidence except some common sense and perhaps logic
. I think it would create too much hassle to keep the difficulty level different.
In addition, with the speed that gossip spreads nowadays, it would be a great threat for GMAC and a reason for a lawsuit by the disadvantaged test-takers. GMAC is a non-profit umbrella that was formed by 28 or so universities to oversee the examinations. Even if they wanted people from Fiji to be better off, for example; it would smarter to just give them privileges on the local (University) level rather than a general GMAT level.
In any way, I have no evidence and would be very interested to hear if anybody can give at least an example; I am not askng for a proof