Sorry if this seems to be a bit of an odd question but it's been on my mind for a while and I can't seem to find an answer on this site.
At an average top 18 ranked US school, do international students have a significantly higher GMAT score than domestic students? If so, how much?
Given that international students are 30-40% of the matriculating body, It could be helpful to domestic students to know the average GMAT for the pool that they're more directly competing with, and likewise for international students to understand how they stand against their pool.
The category "international student" itself is misleading. There are scores of countries and regions within those countries that show wide differences in any number of areas. Americans tend to view the world as US (also read as us) versus "them" (non-US). This separation is statistically not useful.
Better statistics would dictate examining sub-groups. GMAC possesses such data. It would be best to contact them and associated parties.
I would caution against making generalizations. Cheers.
Posted from my mobile device