Hey guys,
Go my GMAT coming up on Monday and during practice, i find that in order to put together all the information and solve a question which involves cylinders and water levels/ cones, and multishapes that involve 3+ shapes (including trapezoids), it takes me roughly 4-5 minutes. Are these worth the headache? I'm not very strong at quant and I do struggle on other questions, so would it be advisable to straight guess these and move on? (30 secs max)
I've done the Empower gmat course and Rich advises to dump these as they matter very little to the final score. The only reason i'm in a conundrum is because regardless of everything (time taken to solve), I inevitably end up with a correct answer.
Also, which are other good candidates for guessing and moving on? 3 Overlapping sets maybe?
Well yes you skip such questions if you're not comfortable with them and save time to focus more on the other ones.
There should ideally not be a specific question type people should skip. Figure out what your weak areas are and where you have low accuracy and end up wasting time. You should skip those questions because chances are you would get the wrong answer even if you dedicate 3-4 minutes and come up with some answer.
Take care though that you don't guess 2 questions in a row. Score will drop if you have consecutive incorrect answers.