Both are great programs, though I recommend ESSEC given everything you mentioned. ESSEC is doing a lot these days to improve the program, offerings and reputation and the internship option is definitely a good idea. I recommend reaching out to get specific employment stats from each so you can have a direct comparison. Have you gotten interviews / acceptances yet?
First of all, thank ou very much for your response Scott. Yes I have got an interview from SMU and I have been admitted to the Master in Applied Finance Program. I also applied to the ESSEC Master in Finance program. I will receive an answer in 3 days. Howerver due to my low GMAT score (560) I am a bit scary about their answer. My professional experiences seem good that is why I applied to various programs although my Gmat is not so good.
I am afraid about the placement after SMU and the chances for an european to get a job in Singapore against a local. I contacted many alumni from SMU and many of them told me that the job market in finance in poor these days. Of course the ESSEC business school would allow me to get a huge access to alumni network in europe too. That is why I wanted to get opinions about SMU in case I will not be accepted to ESSEC Business school.