Project SC Butler: Sentence Correction (SC1)
For SC butler Questions Click Here Every time a consumer makes an impulse buying decision, she demonstrates the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists are now calling crucial to understanding the integration of all the behavioral sciences: economics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and political science.
A) Every time a consumer makes an impulse buying decision, she demonstrates the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists are now calling crucial to understanding
B) Every time a consumer is making an impulse buying decision, she is demonstrating the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists now call crucial to understanding
C) Every time a consumer is making an impulse buying decision, she demonstrates the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists are now calling crucial to understanding
D) Every time a consumer made an impulse buying decision, she had demonstrated the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists now call crucial to understanding
E) Every time a consumer has made an impulse buying decision, she demonstrated the link between neuroscience and economics—a link that behavioral economists are now calling crucial to understanding