I have recently scored GMAT 700 (Q49 V35 IR8). Two last CAT tests were 730+. I'm non-native speaker, moreover, I'm not 100% fluent speaker. Also I had no math cources during my education. Bachelor's degree in law. I would like to give several recomendations which I guess are not obvoius.
1. Shedule. It's better to study in the morning, before work. Leave evenings for relaxation. I usualy woke up at 5:30, had breakfast and cold shower and spent 2 hours (6:30-8:30) for tuition. Why? First, in the morning your ming is fresh and your can remember new information easily. Second, 7 hours of sleep from 10:30 to 5:30 is generaly better for intellectual activity than 7 hours from 1:00 to 8:00. This works for almost everyone. I thought that I'm a night owl. I just tried this new daily regimen and felt myself much better after 2-3 days. Finaly, if you study in the evening, lets take 9:00-11:00, you risk to suffer from insomnia. GMAT makes your braing run faster, and you will probably not be able to stop it and fall asleep quickly. Sleep deprivation will reduce your score by 50-70 points.
2. Sentence correction theory. At first I didn't learn verbal part theory. In critical reasoning and in reading comprehension practice is much more important. In sentence correction it's defenitely necessary to spend 2-3 days reading theory and structuring all the information in your brain.
3. Math is fun. I know, it may sound strange, but you can just persuade yourself that math is interesting. Also, when you achieve some results in math part - say to yourself "I'm smat, I'm cool". Very good for ego and encouraging to study more.
4. Essay template. Each argumant can be criticized with "unsupported assumption" scheme. It is useful to keep an essay template in your head, and you will just need to type only 2-3 new sentences in each paragraph.
P.S. I wish I puchased
MGMAT book insted if Kaplan. I don't want to abuse anyone, but
MGMAT seems better. A friend of mine borrowed me
MGMAT book several days before the exam. I can compare.
Hope this will hepl.