Hello everyone,
Yesterday I retook the GMAT and got a disappointing 680 (Q49, V34). Unhesitatingly cancelled. Even though my quant improved, my verbal sunk by 5 points.
The reason for retaking was that my first attempt (710 Q48 V39), in my opinion, had been influenced by nerves and anxiety resulting from almost being late to the testing centre. I reckoned that a calmer mind and 4 more weeks of study would only do me good. So that is what I did. Scheduled for the 9th of December. Did exclusively official questions, took the EMPOWERgmat score booster course (which helped my quant), watched videos from Ron Purewal and GMATninja. Felt confident and the official CATs backed up that feeling (more on this later). Arrived to the test centre 1 hour and 20 minutes before the start of my exam.
But then reality came and struck me with a 30 point decrease. The quant felt easy, except some questions. I had a similar feeling for verbal up until the middle, when I got a tricky RC passage. From then things went downhill.
The ironic thing is that prior to my first take the scores for the 3rd and 4rd CAT were 670 and 690, respectively. Before yesterday's exam I took CAT 5 and 6, scoring 750 (Q49 V44) and 720 (Q49 V40). Granted, the last passage (last 4 questions of the verbal part) of the 5th CAT was familiar to me, so the verbal should have been V40 or V41, but still, not as low as V34!
I don't know what to do now. Should I retake or apply to schools as I stand?
I would like to get into a Master of Business Analytics/Computational Finance programme in either MIT, UCLA, Duke or Carnegie Mellon.
-22 years of age, male
-Both Russian and Italian passport
-Finance Major (undergrad)
-Working since August in a data science trainee position
-Company is willing to finance part of my studies
If someone can give me some advice I would really appreciate it.
Best regards,
I attached my two ESRs