Thanks everyone for your opinions!
oilMBA - the only other potentially significant advantage of Fuqua is the greater on-campus presence of my target companies. There is some overlap between the companies that recruit at both, but it seems like I would need to put in the extra work if I end up at Cornell (but like you and others said, even if I spent a fraction of $130k on travel, etc. I am still ahead).
It really comes down to how much of an advantage it is to have access to more on-campus recruiting (leadership dev rotations/internal strategy) vs. more legwork on my own. Also a bit concerned about geographical distribution (I am interested in locations outside of NE and Fuqua is much more distributed across the US)
Does this change the equation at all?
I think something that you may want to do is reach out to the Cornell career development office. They may be able to tell you how good (or bad) of a chance previous students have had at your target employer / type of job that doesn't recruit on campus. If the numbers are abysmal, then maybe you consider Fuqua, if they're decent / on par with everything else, I think your decision is made for you.
Another thing you might consider if you haven't already is reach out to Fuqua and explain the situation - i.e. Cornell has given you a full ride, but Fuqua is your first choice - and see if they'll offer some money to sweeten the pot?