Hello guys, I ve a tough decision to make, please give me a hand with your opinion.
- General Management/Consulting (no finance)/Marketing
- Able to live abroad, need to pay the debt (H1B1 vs 3 years working visa). I am from Latin America
- Would like to have an international career (Maybe in Singapore, HK, Japan , Canada or Australia)
- Expect close knit environment
- Tuition: 100k (Rotman) vs 140k (Fuqua)
- City guy
So basically, I would like to be able to move around the world or settle down in one of the mentioned countries in the long term. However, Rotman brand is not as strong as Duke. On the other hand, Rotman gives me a 3 year working visa.
Any opinion is appreciated!
I'm kind of just sitting here wondering why this post exists. Why are you even considering Rotman exactly? I realize the work visa is nice but that only matters if you have a job and I think Duke is better on that front. If you don't want a finance career, or to work at Amazon Toronto, no reason to pick Rotman over Duke.
Duke checks all the boxes. Consulting school. Global orientation and a brand that carries weight internationally. Very tight-knit comraderie. I mean $40K who cares over the course of your lifetime. You can only do this once. Review starting salary figures - however - realize that salaries at Duke are a bit lower because cost of living in South vs. North.
As for geographic location, nothing could be less important. It makes me crazy that people even think about this, it's not a permanent move and you're not going on vacation. Consider this a long conference. Think about alum connections where you want to live, and Duke wins, unless you want to live in Canada permanently and even then.
You will be so busy with the program the outside world is frankly not very important if you're doing it right. But Raleigh is 20 minutes away from Durham, a major metro area, and the beach is to the East.
So those are my thoughts - I'm not down on Toronto, I hear it is great, but seriously there is no comparison in my eyes. Congrats on getting into Duke, you will love it!