GMAT Club Tests Whiteboard FAQBackground:April 14th, 2020 GMAC has announced the new GMAT ONLINE test details for April 20 - June 15 timeframe for taking the GMAT at home while being proctored (
learn more about GMAT ONLINE here). One of the changes made to the test is elimination of any kind of scratch paper or erasable boards used at the test center. Instead, GMAC introduced Online Whiteboard. GMAT Club has built the online whiteboard as closely to the specifications as possible based on the feedback of multiple test-takers including its size, color, and position. Please note that if you wish to make the whiteboard "stick" on top of other windows as in the Official Test, you can use one of the methods outlined below.
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You can open it here: to Launch the Whiteboard from Tests: The whiteboard will open in a pop-up window. That is the best way to make it work, look, and feel like the official whiteboard. After the pop-up window opens in your browser,
You can resize this window and position where you wish on your screen. - Click the bright yellow Whiteboard button
- You may get a pop-up warning in the browser address bar - click it
- Choose to ALLOW pop-ups on
- Click Done
Note 1: The official whiteboard window
always stays on top. If you would like to make GMAT Club's whiteboard MORE LIKE the official experience, you can install a Chrome App called
Flobro (thanks for the idea @valedipalo)! It works very close to the official whiteboard. (to use it, you have to launch this app from your Start Menu/Launcher in MacOS and type in into the URL parameter) - it will open up a whiteboard in a floating window that you can move around and resize (just don't X it; instead, minimize it)
Note 2: The official whiteboard keeps your information even if you close it (though sometimes it crashes and erases everything). GMAT Club whiteboard does not - if you hit X and close the window, and then re-open it again, you will get a blank whiteboard. If you do not want to clear your whiteboard, do not Close (X) it!
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