Hi Pkaria,
To start, it's important to remember that taking lots of CATs will NOT make you a better Test Taker. A CAT is really a 'measuring device' - when used correctly, it will give you a realistic score and help define your strengths and weaknesses, but it will NOT help you to fix any of those weaknesses. To raise your scores, you have to put in the necessary practice and repetitions. The CAT will show you whether your studies are helping you to improve or not. As such, you really shouldn't take more than 1 FULL CAT per week. Thus, your plan to take a CAT every day is NOT a good idea.
From what you've described, your primary concern is your performance in the Quant section, so we should focus on that for now. After reviewing your last practice CAT, how many Quant questions did you get wrong...
1) Because of a silly/little mistake?
2) Because there was some math that you just could not remember how to do?
3) Because the question was too hard?
4) Because you were low on time and had to guess?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Hi EMPOWERgmatRichC,
Thank you very much for your advice regarding my preparation. I guess my basics in quant are not as strong as they should be and hence I find it difficult to approach the questions. I will try to just get my concepts clear in these few days and take the test. Also, congratulations on your perfect score! It is an amazing achievement and someday I hope to get there