Hi ZeyadSerag,
While it's certainly possible that you didn't remember ANY of the questions from any of those CATs, if you DID remember even a couple of them, then those repeats could have 'throw off' the Scoring Algorithm and impacted your pacing, energy levels, fatigue, etc. (meaning that they would all appear to be better than they actually are). As such, before you make any decisions about your study routine, you should take a NEW CAT (one that you have NOT taken before) - and make sure to take it in a realistic fashion (take the FULL CAT - with the Essay and IR sections, take it away from your home, at the same time of day as when you'll take the Official GMAT, etc.). Once you have that score, you should report back here and we can discuss the restyles and how best to proceed.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,