Hi everyone,
I am creating this thread to discuss the test taking situation that is affected by the coronavirus. I have done some quick research and noticed that test centers in Colorado, USA will be closed and so far I could only see test registrations for late May - June. I wonder what the situation is like in other states / countries and how the state of things will evolve in time.
Another question is how the limited test availability will impact Round 1 applications. I doubt that test centers will reopen unless the virus situation is resolved. And as of March 21, 2020 it looks like the spread of the virus is growing in major cities and countries. It will be interesting to see how universities will react to the virus situation in Summer. So far, most of the universities transitioned to online classes and postponed convocation ceremonies.
ETS announced today that test takers in select countries [the United States, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong (China) and Macau (China)] will be able to take the GRE General Test at home starting from March 23, 2020. This is a major change and a big advantage since test takers have an ability to continue their study and commit to certain test dates. ETS said that exams administered at home will be supervised by remote proctors. So, no cheating
It will be interesting to see whether GMAC will offer a similar option.
Feel free to post your thoughts on the above.