Hi Rich,
The score with a V27 is not a GMAT score.
It is actually a mock score in GMATPrep taken in October last year.
I had been meaning to remove the GMAT score, but have not been able to remove it after adding schools.
1) What study materials have you used to help you prepare for the Verbal section?
For a basic understanding, I have used the
eGmat course along with the 13th edition of the
2) What 'steps' do you go through on a typical SC, RC and CR prompt?
For a SC :
1. I start with analyzing the statement and identifying errors if any.
2. If there are errors in the statement, I try to find the answer option which rectifies the error.
(Usually use Process of Elimination to eliminate the wrong answers)
For a CR :
1. I try and understand the argument and identify the conclusion.
2. Based on the question type, do whatever is required.
-> For a weaken question(weaken the conclusion/provide alternate explanation)
-> For a strengthen question(strengthen the conclusion)
-> For assumption question(bring it down to 2 options and finally apply negation technique to bring it down to one)
-> Paradox question(find an alternate explanation to resolve the discrepancy)
For RC:
1. Read the passage and try to understand in depth.
(Since i am slow reader and lose patience when i am not able to understand some part,
end up spending around 5-6 mins doing this)
2. Start answering questions, and with almost every answer option have to go back to the passage.
3. Even while marking the answer am mostly not sure why the other option is wrong.
Initially practiced about 30-40 questions in every section(mostly from the
Since then, have solved questions randomly, every now and then but never planned my study sessions.
Randomly solved questions, sometimes 20-30 CR and SC, sometimes RC, and sometimes a combination of the three.
3) What is your exact Test Date?
I am yet to book the exam, have been waiting to score 680+ consistently in the mocks.
Planning to take a couple of mocks in a week starting from next week. It that a good strategy?
My last mock score(Manhattan mock) was 650(V34,Q45) - took the verbal section first.
Target date : before August 10th.
4) What is your overall goal score?
I wish to score in excess of 730.
Thanks a ton for the reply.