A month back I gave the GMATPREP 2 and scored 660(Q50 V29) with 10 incorrect in quant and 17 incorrect in verbal.
Yesterday I gave the GMATPREP 1 test and scored 610(Q49 V23) with 8 incorrect in quant and 15 incorrect in verbal.
I'm totally confused with the scores.
What could be the possible reason for decrease of 50 points despite answering more correct answers
Here is a post that is extremely relevant to this query:
https://www.gmatclub.com/forum/veritas-prep-resource-links-no-longer-available-399979.html#/2016/06 ... ems-wrong/The points discussed in detail are:
- The number of right/wrong answers is much less predictive than you think.
- Of the “ABCs” of Item Response Theory, Difficulty Level is Only One Element (B)…
- Question delivery values “content balance” more than you think.
- Some questions don’t count at all.
- Every test has a margin of error.