Competition Mode Question
Goodbody, Inc., is in the process of finding tenants for its newly completed Parrot Quay commercial development, which will make available hundreds of thousands of square feet of new office space on what was formerly derelict property outside the financial center of the city. Surprisingly enough, the coming recession, though it will hurt most of the city’s businesses, should help Goodbody to find tenants.
Which one of the following, if true, does most to help resolve the apparent paradox?
(A) Businesses forced to economize by the recession will want to take advantage of the lower rents available outside the financial center.
(B) Public transportation links the financial center with the area around Parrot Quay.
(C) The area in which the Parrot Quay development is located became derelict after the heavy industry that used to be there closed down in a previous recession.
(D) Many of Goodbody’s other properties are in financial center and will become vacant if the recession is severe enough to force Goodbody’s tenants out of business.
(E) The recession is likely to have the most severe effect not on service industries, which require a lot of office space, but on manufacturers.