Hello guys,
I did GMAT yesterday and got 680 (48Q, 34V, 6IR) - 83th percentile. I was targeting 700 and I am thinking about retaking the test.
The minimum requirements for the universities I am applying for are as follows:
- University of Alberta and Calgary: 80th percentile (something around 660 or 670)
- Queen's University: 640
- University of Lethbridge and Saskatchewan: 550
I guess 680 is sufficient for three of them, however, I am wondering if 680 is not a good score for Alberta and Calgary, as they require a minimum of 670 and I just got 10 points above it. I know they value something around 700 so that's why I am thinking about doing it again. Do you think it is necessary or +20 points are not worth it? 700 will make this huge difference in my application?
I'm applying for the PhD program and just finished my bachelor (no masters). My GPA is 3.7.
I am also wondering what should I study if I do that again. I already finished
OG quant,
OG verbal, Manhattan, Veritas, Kaplan 2017 and Kaplan 800. I did the six mocks from Kaplan and got 700, 710 and 720 in the last three ones - so maybe I could study a little bit more and got 700.
So I kinda already know all those questions and got nothing new to continue studying. What materials would you recommend?
Thank you in advance,