Congrats on your admits! Truly amazing job!
Another forum? Does that exist?
I assume your are familiar with the Harvard-MIT HST program? It definitely recognizes the medical school at Harvard and MIT’s engineering.
Harvard is the program e wry one chooses for any reason and almost any career. I only know a handful of people who opted for other programs. It does happen but rarely. Something about the leadership and diversity and selectivity. It won’t be a mistake for sure esp for hospital management and such, it would open up many doors and create a positive first impression.
MIT Sloan is nice. However it doesn’t sound like you’re ready to dedicate your life to biotech so that may be a choice driven by a short term career goal?
PS. In terms of being introverted, I found most HBS students to be fairly reserved and some of the nicest people I have ever met. They’re smart but you wouldn’t be able to tell unless you got to know them actually. They’re not in your face. I think you will find your classmates at both programs to be similarly motivated/accomplished/driven and respectful. I don’t see any issues with fitting in... you will have a few jerks. Every school seems to have a few orotund mostly to keep it real for the rest
Posted from my mobile device