Hi Arthurito,
This seems to be a Customer Service issue for the team at
www.mba.com, so I suggest that you reach out there and ask. As an aside, if you took your GMAT today, then your Official results have likely NOT been generated yet (even though you saw your UNOFFICIAL results at the end of the Test) - and your ESR can't be generated until your results are in.
While the ESR doesn’t provide a lot of information, there are usually a few data points that we can use to define what went wrong on Test Day (and what you should work on to score higher). Since you purchased the ESR, then I'll be happy to analyze it for you (and if you'd rather not post your ESR publicly, then you can feel free to PM or email me directly).
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Contact Rich at: Rich.C@empowergmat.com