Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can explain to me how sending GMAT scores to schools work. I recently sat my GMAT exam and accepted my score. On the day, I selected five schools. Is my score being prepared right now to be sent to those five schools? Now, I am preparing to sit my GMAT exam again in the hopes of getting a higher score. Assuming I get a higher score, how is this higher score then sent to the original five schools I selected in my first exam? Do I have to select the SAME five schools in my second GMAT exam? What if I select five DIFFERENT schools in my second exam, does that mean the five DIFFERENT schools receive my higher GMAT score and the original five schools receive my first GMAT score?
If anyone could just clarify these questions, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks!
This is how it works:
- Assuming that you accepted the score that you received in the first attempt, that score will be sent to the 5 schools you chose on that day.
- If you reattempt the exam, you get the option of selecting 5 schools to send the new report to again. If you need to send this updated score to the original 5 schools, you must select them again. If you select a different set of 5 schools, only the different schools will receive the updated score, and not the original ones you chose in your earlier attempt.