Can we think of this problem as similar to finding the possible anagrams of the word ABCXXX?
Yes and no. If you did that, you would have all possible permutations of ABC and the three spaces, but what about C, D, and E?
Maybe do this in two steps:
1. Number of COMBINATIONS from 6c3, which is 20; multiply by
2. Number of anagrams from ABCXXX, which is 6!/(3!*1!*1!*1!), which is 120.
Math is the same as my previous solution but this seems more sensible.
And the real killer is that a reasonably dedicated high school senior could this in his sleep...
hey stoolfi,
we can pick 3 chairs out of 6 in 20 ways...
and then *each* of these "Ways" these three..
So these three can be seated in 3! ways..isnt it.
And we have 20 of these combinations.
so...the total for 20 combination is 20 * 3! = 120 ways