Q50 is 85 percentile and a Q44 is 52 percentile. So, Yes your scores show a lot of variation.
If you have touched a Q50 in few mocks (assuming that you don’t remember those questions of that test prior), your concepts seem to be be in place.
I feel you need to really work on your strategy for Quants like timing, making intelligent guesses, etc.
It’s crucial to get those initial 10 questions and final 5-6 questions correct, even if you’re taking a bit more time than usual (more than 2 min). Make sure you’re accuracy is in place for these questions and from questions 11 - 25 make sure you’re timing is maintained to compensate for the extra time spent on the rest, you may have to guess few questions basis that (make sure to avoid consecutive guesses).
Try the above method in few mocks initially and see if it’s giving you desired results.
GMATCLUB quant tests are one of the best tests available in the market, so I feel your strategy is holding you for the score.
Also, you’ll need to do practise of higher level questions. You may search for
700-800 level questions pdf for quants in the forum. I’m sure it will do you lot of good.
All the Best
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