After learning enough of methodoligies to improve RC skills, I have started practicing RCs. My initial observations are
1. Despite learning a lot about how to approach RC, I didnt see much improvement in me.
2. Whenever I time myself, my accuracy is very poor, while when I give ample time to understand the passage, the accuracy is very good.
Taking into mind the importance of time and accuracy altogether, how can I achieve that?
I have decided to solve 4 RCs a day.
I am writing this upon doing 8-10 RCs.
I am not a native English speaker.
Shall I keep practicing like this or I should try something more to improve.
Please help.
Thanks,in advance!
Posted from my mobile device
I think the key is to try different strategies for RC and adopt the one which suits you.
In the below link, you will find some strategies that you can try. These are tried and tested ones and has helped a lot.
https://gmatclub.com/forum/how-to-read- ... 00886.htmlOnce you adopt a strategy then you can solve 4 RCs a day, to help you sharpen your skill and become more effective in RC.