Hurtling through space, Anna saw a shooting star and was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight.
(A) Hurtling through space, Anna saw a shooting star and was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight
(B) Anna saw a shooting star and was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight hurtling through space
(C) Anna saw a shooting star hurtling through space and was transfixerd by the rare beauty of this sight
(D) Anna saw, hurtling through space, a shooting star and was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight
(E) Transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight, Anna saw a shooting star hurtling through space
Hurtling through space, Anna saw a shooting star and was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight - Wrong modifier
(B) Anna saw a shooting star and
was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight hurtling through space - Modiying who?
(C) Anna saw a shooting star hurtling through space and was
transfixerd by the rare beauty of this sight - transfixerd spelling mistake also modifying who?
(D) Anna saw, hurtling through space, a shooting star and
was transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight - Same modifier issue
(E) Transfixed by the rare beauty of this sight, Anna saw a shooting star hurtling through space - Correct
Can anyone please explain why C is right?