You can do this....
I would not be ashamed to take the extra time. In fact, now that I think about it, I know a guy who scored horribly on the GMAT, applied to Kellogg and was denied. Story doesn't end there of course. He was told his GMAT was too low and he should retake. He did, did even worse, reapplied and included an essay about his difficulty with standardized tests. He gradauted from Kellogg last year.
Do not give up. There are so many people here that taken scores and bumped by 200 points. I jumped about 130 points. My other friend jumped by 140 points. I've read stories of people jumping 200 and over too.
Kaplan sucks.
If you are serious about studying, I would suggest ManhattanGMAT. Check them out. They have classes in NY, they also do online courses. Their classes are a maximum of 4 people - and they go nice and slow, stopping for people to ask questions. I took Kaplan, it sucked. I dropped it. Waste of time and money. I tried Princeton. Same problem. I tried ManhattanGMAT, and it was amazing.
The classes are more $ than Kaplan or Princeton, but the difference is in the material and the quality of hte professors. Every ManhattanGMAT prof must score 750 or better to teach. Thats not true of Kaplan or Princeton.
Also, for me, Manhattan was what I needed because Kaplan and others assume you know the material already, at least a little bit, and focus on teaching you tips and tricks... they dont teach you the material again from the ground up. Manhattan does. Their philosphy is that if you don't get the material - at a fundamental level - no amount of tips or tricks will save you.
Dont' despair. I'm always here to help, just ask.
If I were you I would sign up for a Manhattan course - in person. Barring that, I'd do the online version. If you can't do the online one, buy the
Manhattan GMAT book set. The whole set. You can buy them used here - a lot of people are selling the set, myself included (not a sales pitch). Don't buy the set if you are taking the class, it comes with. The set includes 7 manhattan guides,
the official guide and two supplements on Verbal and Math.
I also strongly recommend the course over just buying hte books because you get access to some great testing software AND videotaped online versions of EVERY CLASS so you can review them as many times as you like.