If you make good grades in high school, you will get into a good college. If you get into a good college, you will find a good job. So, if you make good grades in high school, you will find a good job.
Which one of the following selections most closely follows the reasoning in the passage?
(A) If you brush your teeth twice every day, you will keep your teeth clean. If you keep your teeth clean, you will not get cavities. So, if you brush your teeth twice every day, you will have low dental bills.
(B) If you vacuum your room on Fridays, it will stay clean. If your room stays clean, you can invite your friends over. So, if you invite your friends over, your room will stay clean.
(C) If you plant your garden in healthy soil, your vegetable plants will grow well. If your vegetable plants grow well, you will have a high vegetable yield. So, if you plant your garden in healthy soil, you will have a high vegetable yield.
(D) If you invest in the stock market, you are optimistic that the market will go up. If you have a good attitude about things in general, then you are optimistic that the market will go up. So, if you invest in the market, you have a good attitude about things in general.
(E) If you study hard for the math exam, you will make an A on the exam. If you study hard for the math exam, you will not get enough sleep. So if you make an A on the math exam, you will not get enough sleep.